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Chatter on Books

Sep 24, 2019

Jamie McIntyre, Jeanne and Torie debate Edward Snowden and publishing errors gone wild. Ed Aymar talks crime and punishment and Cafe Noir and his latest thriller — The Unrepentant.

Sep 17, 2019

We love and hate Agatha Christie. Liz Clarke gives David Aldridge tips on covering NASCAR and talks One Helluva Ride - her deep look into where racing was and where it's going. And the gang predicts who will write the best Jeffrey Epstein book.

Sep 10, 2019

From classics to cosmonauts to missing in action.  Michael’s stuck on the 9th tee so Liz Clarke fills in. The gang hates Handmaid’s  Tale and questions the sequel. Jeanne rises above with classic best sellers.  Novelist Zach Powers wants to talk Soviets and space and life and his book First Cosmic Velocity but...