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Chatter on Books

Apr 28, 2020


Liz Clarke joins David and Torie for another socially distant show. Liz debriefs virtual NASCAR, David the NFL draft and The Last Dance. They dispense book club therapy for middle aged guys. Award winner Joe Drape of the New York Times talks real and virtual Kentucky Derbies and his terrific book...

Apr 14, 2020

“I checked the tires in my car.”

David, Torie and Jamie recap quarantining week four. H-O-R-S-E failed and Crozier may be back. Hannah Oliver Depp of Loyalty Books shares how they’re still getting books to customers (thank you post office).  Five time author Karin Tanabe talks opium, avarice and exploitation in...

Apr 7, 2020

“Don’t Be Fooled by the Bonnet.”
David and Torie talk about when life returns to normal (ish).  It’s complicated. From self imposed lockdown Lewis Black dishes on Torie and plugs his favorite Indies. Featured author Alexis Coe enlightens and upends conventional wisdom about George Washington with her book...