Nov 24, 2020
“Sappy is okay“
It’s Chatter’s Annual Turkey Palooza show – sort of about books. COB alum Nevin Martell joins David and Torie. They talk presidential memoirs, Dolly Parton love and Chatter reflected glory. And they talk turkey, of course, what makes a good cookbook and answering the question...
Nov 17, 2020
“....where the moles are.”
Chatter rocks with alums Louis Bayard and Hannah Depp Oliver of Loyalty Books joining David and Torie. Tapped as a judge for this week’s National Book Awards, Hannah dishes but keeps the winner secret. Speaking of secrets, award winning author and documentarian Chris Whipple...
Nov 3, 2020
“With malice toward none…“
It’s election eve, and the watch word is context. Mike Croley, Chatter alum and author of Any Other Places, returns as a panelist and to talk his latest work, Midland: Reports From Flyover Country. The gang is horrified by anthropodermic bibliopegy and inspired by Oprah’s idea of...